I believe the God of Abraham created heaven, earth and all living creatures both of flesh and of spirit. And, of all the inhabitants of the earth, this same God chose to grant to Abraham and his descendants, Israel, a covenant of everlasting life and the inheritance of the earth and the inhabitants thereof for possessions. And this same God chose Moses to record His Law for Israel. His Law provides temporal life and blessings of the flesh, but never everlasting life, whereas the denial of which severs from the everlasting life offered by this same covenant with Abraham.

I believe Jesus of Nazareth is the flesh and blood body of that same God, born on earth by the virgin womb of a woman, Mary. And this same Jesus willingly and with extreme grace suffered death by order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate, for to secure that same covenant of everlasting life with Abraham in accordance with the terms of His own Law and that same covenant. And this same Jesus rose from the dead to everlasting life and shall return to earth in His same body of flesh and bone to judge the living and the dead.

I believe that same covenant with Abraham shall be realized in forgiveness of transgression and resurrection of the body of those out of Israel whom that same Jesus chooses to grant inheritance of the earth and everlasting life in accordance with the terms of that same covenant with Abraham.

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Jerry Wickey Jr.
Fort Wayne, IN
800 722 2280
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If you believe that the Bible records the purpose and intent for the universe written both by inspiration and by direct quotation of the Creator of the universe, then find below the reason I can make the statement to the right with confidence.

If you don't believe this, you probably also don't know why you believe many of the things that you do believe. Good luck with that. You'll need it. more. . .3 paragraphs

Contained within the text of the Bible are explanation for the pain and suffering in the world. These are not things the Creator God wishes eradicated, not yet. That comes only in our future. Instead, He is the cause of disasters and the instigator of wars. God is not sitting in heaven, biting His finger nails wishing to have stoped the bubonic plague of Europe, but helpless to have done so. He is the one who caused it. The reason is not so pedestrian as punishment for sin. The reasons are far more complex. He causes disasters and wars for to teach some people and not others. He raises up one people to build and to plant so that another people can live in houses they didn't build and eat of feilds they didn't have to plant. Complexities such as these are to be expected when considering the majesty of the Creator. Do not expect God's ways to be as simple as man's ways. To begin to understand these complexities, have a listen.

List of Scriptures:
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Link to PDF document A Chosen People by John Wickey

Listen to the audio A Chosen People content by John Wickey (audio not yet available, coming next month)

Link to the book The Anglo-Israel Thesis by Reed Benson

Listen to the audio synopsis of the book (one hour) Anglo-Israel Thesis by Reed Benson